Registered Office
Premier Solicitors (Bedford) LtdPremier HouseLurke StreetBedfordBedfordshireMK40 3HU
Premier Solicitors (Bedford) Ltd is registered in England & Wales, number 12495770. Premier Solicitors (Bedford) Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors' Regulation Authority (SRA) of England & Wales with SRA number 668813, and is bound by the rules found in the Solicitor's Code of Conduct, a copy of which can be viewed at www.sra.org.uk/handbook. Premier Solicitors (Bedford) Ltd uses the word 'partner' to refer to a director of the company or an employee or consultant with equivalent standing. A list of the directors is available for inspection at our registered office, Premier House, Lurke Street, Bedford MK40 3HU.